With great power comes great responsibility.
The disciples were called to carry Jesus Christ’s message forward. Christ called them to continue his work and preach and live the message of the cross and the resurrection. The power given to the disciples is not just any power—it is the power that is in Christ! Leaders who believe in Jesus Christ’s work are responsible for keeping this message alive.
In our last Snippet, we learned about the leader who has hope amidst fear. In John 20:19-23, we see a progression from fear to security, from uncertainty to clarity. The disciples are living in fear and feel completely powerless (v. 19). Jesus takes control of the situation (v. 20) and imparts on his disciples a great responsibility (v. 21-22).
Do we need Jesus Christ to appear in a room to understand our responsibility?
No! I don’t think so. The text clearly shows that our responsibility as leaders, the power we have through the Spirit, and the message of the cross and resurrection are sufficient. The Gospel is enough. It is not time for Christ-centered leaders to settle but to carry the message of the cross and the resurrection into every situation we find ourselves in. As we saw in John 20, when a situation is out of control, only Jesus Christ can give peace because he is peace!
As leaders, we need to lead by looking to the greatest leader ever. He is the peace for troubled moments. We must keep doing the work that he started. This responsibility does not only apply to leaders working in churches and ministries that proclaim the resurrection of Jesus Christ; this is for any leader in any organization. This responsibility is for leaders in business organizations, banks, technology, entrepreneurs, etc. We have the power of the Holy Spirit given to us to keep doing the work that Jesus Christ has started.
With great power comes great responsibility.
Eduardo Mendes
Founder and President