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Interview with Pastor Antonio Mendes - Practical Pastoral Ministry - Part 2

Updated: Oct 3, 2023

Interview with Pastor Antonio Mendes - Practical Pastoral Ministry - Part 2

7. What makes a pastor frustrated in ministry?

Based on my long experience of training and mentoring with pastors, I believe one of the things that frustrates them most is the church's lack of growth and the people's spiritual maturity. That’swhere good preaching comes alive. We, as pastors, need to feed our flock. That’s why expository preaching should lead the pulpits in the church today.

8. What makes the pastor leave one church and move to another?

Personally, I am not a fan of changing churches. Once, a colleague told me that many pastors change churches because they ran out of sermons. It would be absurd if that were the reason! A change should only occur due to an absolute conviction of the leading of the Holy Spirit. Each change generates a minimum adaptation period of approximately five years. It takes time to learn about the church, to get to know the people and for the people trust your leadership. Some people change churches based on loneliness, fear, or a lack of preparedness to deal with serious problems that come alive. We must never forget that the same devil who tries to spoil the church's ministry is everywhere, trying to do the same everywhere. Paul prepared Titus not to run away from the problems by fleeing from one place to another but to put Crete’s churches in order. We, as pastors, need to follow Paul’s recommendation to Titus by establishing elders, men according to Titus 1 and I Timothy 3, that will help the pastor not to be alone and deal with the church’s problems.

9. What facts should be observed for a pastor's departure from the church?

1. An absence of a Biblical Preaching.

2. Dysfunctional family.

3. Lack of love for the church, shepherding it without passion or a sense of ministry fulfillment.

4. Likely, it is noticeable that they do not have a true calling.

5. Distant relationship from the flock.

10. Why are there so many divorces among pastors?

Perhaps it is due to the lack of practice of biblical discipline, and consequently, the sheep need to understand the meaning of a discipline with a focus on restoration. There is a lack of a program for mentoring young adults, teaching that dating is not just a moment but a search for a spouse within God's perfect will. There must be greater biblical knowledge about marriage and divorce and its consequences. What impression does an unbeliever have when they see a believer getting a divorce? Probably, they will say: "If the God he preaches is not powerful enough to save his marriage, I'll stick with my god." For example, the only reason for divorce is the lack of forgiveness. What sin did Jesus fail to pay for us on the cross? None! How can one accept a practice that God hates? “I hate divorce,” says the Lord, the God of Israel, “because the man who divorces his wife covers his garment with violence” (Malachi 2.16).

11. Should the pastor pursue a political career? Can a pastor get involved in politics?

No, for God has called us to shepherd His sheep. “No soldier gets entangled in civilian pursuits since he aims to please the one who enlisted him” (2 Timothy 2:4).

12. What is most fulfilling in pastoral ministry?

Honor God's calling by feeding the sheep. The Church of Christ has been purchased at a great price; what a responsibility! Through the Word (expository preaching) and watching them grow in faith, preparing the church, the beautiful bride, for the encounter with the bridegroom at the grand celebration of the Lamb's Wedding feast. “Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready” (Revelation 19:7).

13. How to reconcile pastoral ministry and "secular" work?

Preferably, I believe in full-time ministry, but sometimes small churches can’t afford to have a full-time pastor. In these cases, it's acceptable but not ideal. In my case, I decided to leave the position at Ford Motors to dive into full-time ministry. I was already married and had two young children. I left Ford, where I had worked for twenty years. It was challenging, but the joy of dedicating myself full-time to ministry outweighed the difficulties we faced, including financial challenges. In my case, I could not see myself dividing my time between Ford and planting a church. Today, after approximately forty-two years of pastoral work, the sense of fulfillment is complete.

14. What are the pastoral ministry priorities?

Preach the Word, shepherd, and develop leaders.

In the ministry I led for 40 years, since 1980 when the church was planted, we had the goal to have a perfect balance between faithful preaching (Expository Preaching), Intense shepherding, and developing leaders.

Antonio Mendes

Church and Ministry Leadership Consultant

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